Tuesday 12 July 2016

salted steamed kembong fish 咸熟鱼

before steam  ----- >>> after steamed

Salted cooked mackerel or kembong in the market is pricing RM12-13/kg. Why don't I make my own?

Luckily I found lately the kembong in wet market was just RM5/kg... smaller size but this is the cheapest I can get. My boys loves salted cooked kembong very must especially deep fried kembong.

So I just give it a try on making my own salted cooked kembong fish at home and I gound out it was so easy to make it. All you have to do is put some amount of salt then just steam and you will get your very own homemade salted cooked kembong / mackerel.

Some more it was more cleaner as I clean the fish stomach before steaming.

Ingredients :

12 medium size kembong / mackerel (quantity depands on your steamer)
Salt about 2 tbsp
Banana leaf
  1. Clean kembong fish, discard all the intestines and stomach stuff except eggs, drain and set aside
  2. Rub fish wih salt generously, all over the fish include stomach
  3. place banana leaf and line the fish on the steamer
  4. High heat, steam for 15 mins.
  5. Off the heat after cooked, let it to cool before put into freezer if not consume on the same day. Or else deep fried with oil until light brown.

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