Thursday 24 April 2014

soft wholemeal loaf 超柔软全麦吐司

Bake this soft wholemeal loaf again, with a collapse loaf at the first time. Now I finally manage to bake this recipe again with a nice standing loaf but still need to improve on the "shaping".

Definitely will try to bake and shape to a "nicer looking" loaf in my next baking. Texture was great, it was soft even I have it on the next day.

ingredients: (make one 4"x8" loaf)

140g water
35g egg
25g caster sugar
1/2 tsp salt
170g bread flour
80g wholemeal flour
1-1/2tsp instant yeast
30g butter

  1. mix all ingredients except butter with your mixer.
  2. knead about 15 minutes, add butter.
  3. knead another 5 minutes.
  4. rub dough with oil in mixer. cover & rest for double in size or 1 hour.
  5. oil or butter loaf pan.
  6. press down fermented dough, divide into 3 portion.
  7. shape into your desired shape.
  8. rest & prove dough for another 1 hour or double in size.
  9. preheat oven at 190℃.
  10. apply egg wash on top of loaf.
  11. bake loaf at lowest rack for 25-30 minutes until browned on top of loaf.
  12. remove loaf from pan after take out from oven, cool on wired rack before slicing or store in container.

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